In today’s climate of needing the most up to date information “now”, organizations are faced with the problem of making sure Marketing and Sales work closely together to insure the latest company approved information is easily available.
marcomCORE was created to solve that problem. Simply put, marcomCORE is a web based marketing access portal that is available 24/7 from any device that has access to the internet.
marcomCORE is different from other marketing access portals in that all printing, inventory and shipping is done directly from our warehouse in Tennessee eliminating the need of space to stock marketing materials. Our clients can run reports at any time to see who has ordered, how much is in stock, and when orders were shipped and received. This allows greater control on re-orders and ultimately budgeting.
marcomCORE is a customizable solution that allows our clients to create a central marketing source for approved marketing materials. This could include promotional materials, customizable templates, presentations, conference materials, signage, ads, business cards or whatever needs to be shared in a controlled environment.
But it doesn’t stop there. Any information that would need to be shared, such as replacement parts, user manuals, prescribing information (just to name a few), can be stored in marcomCORE. You decide what files will be stored and who will have access to those files. This allows greater flexibility in having a truly one stop repository for information especially when version control is of the utmost importance.
The marcomCORE icon is set up on your desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone or Android device. One click and you are in your customized portal which is available 24/7 year round.